29th November

Fire Tests

We have recently made a substantial investment in upgrading our fire test evidence, aiming to provide the most updated test evidence for all our fire doors sold.  Fire tests were carried out on 6 full size doors ranging from solid, fully glazed, half glazed pairs and a ‘Frankenstein’ groove door with 5 different groove configurations.  Therefore, providing us with various options of groove depth, shape and with inserts or direct grooving.

We chose to test to the more onerous Fire Resistance Standard EN-1634-1: 2014+A1 and successfully had global assessments written up by IFC (International Fire Consultants Ltd).  One of our successful doors tested was a Shaker style 1 panel that can be built up to practically any design using plant on beading and muntin/rails.  This gives us numerous options to fulfil our client’s FD30 requirements to a higher EN standard testing.

Please contact us for your fire door requirements.